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Legal news


Posted on : October 11, 2022

The territoriality of income tax

Persons whose tax domicile is located in France are liable to French income tax due to all of their income from all sources. It is therefore an “unlimited” tax obligation, whatever his nationality, the taxpayer must, in principle, be subject to tax in France on all his income from French or foreign sources. This principle may, however, include derogations resulting from international conventions relating to double taxation.

A person is considered to have his disc domicile in France when :

1. She has her home in France.
The home means the place where the person or his family normally lives, that is to say the place of habitual residence, without taking into account temporary stays elsewhere due to professional needs or circumstances. exceptional. Ex: can be considered as domiciled in France for tax purposes, a person exercising his activity abroad, if his family lives in France.

2. She has her main place of residence in France.
It is enough for a person to have stayed in France for more than 183 days during the same year for them to be deemed to have had their main stay in France for that year.

3. She pursues a professional activity in France.
4. It has the center of its economic interests in France.

This is the place where the person concerned has made his main investments, where he has his seat of business, from where he administers his property.

Summary :




File to download :
101115 – La territorialité de l’IR

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Legal system and status of FOUNDATIONS in FRANCE

Posted on : October 11, 2022

A foundation is defined by article 18 of law n°87-571 of July 23, 1987 on the development of patronage as “the act by which one or more natural or legal persons decide the irrevocable allocation of property, rights or resources to carry out a work of general interest and non-profit”.

The association is a group of people while the foundation is a heritage made up of goods, rights and/or resources and irrevocably assigned to the realization of such a work.

It is a group of legal or natural persons to carry out a common project (as in the case of the association), but an irrevocable financial commitment from its founders with a view to carrying out a non-profit work of general interest. A foundation has no members. A board of directors, a management board and/or a supervisory board directs it.

A foundation pools private capital to work for a public cause.

The endowment fund enjoys legal personality from the date of publication in the Official Journal of the declaration made to the Prefecture. Amendments to the articles of association follow the same procedures.

I – Conditions of existence of a foundation in France :

There are corporate foundations, which can receive public subsidies but are prohibited from donations, bequests, subsidies and appeals to public generosity (but can, since 2003, benefit from donations from their employees).

The first condition for the existence of a foundation, whatever it is, is to be recognized by:

– The Prime Minister (currently Bernard Cazeneuve; address at 57, rue de Varenne, Paris) for foundations recognized as being of public utility;

– The Prefect of the department of their future headquarters.

A foundation is the realization of a work of general interest for a non-profit purpose. The general interest is an evolving tax concept, and this in several varied areas.

A foundation is of a philanthropic, educational, scientific, social, humanitarian, sports, family or cultural nature, or contributes to the enhancement of artistic heritage, the defense of the natural environment, the dissemination of culture, French language and scientific knowledge.

A foundation recognized as being of public utility can be created by an individual, a family, an association, a group of people, individuals or companies, when its purpose is to allocate resources on a perpetual basis.

Thanks to a donation, the founder can organize his foundation. The goods and resources he offers permanently spoils him.

The donation is made by notarial deed if it relates to real estate. The donation only takes effect when the foundation is recognized following the publication of the decree of public utility.

The risks of this situation arise if the founder dies before the acceptance of the endowment by the foundation or the seizure of the property subject to the endowment, before the transfer of ownership has become opposable to the creditors.

The request must be addressed to the prefect of the department where the foundation will have its headquarters with the filing of its statutes.

The Prefect will forward the request to the Ministry of the Interior.

The Minister of the Interior can decide at his sole discretion not to respond to the request or to investigate it.

After his instruction, the Minister of the Interior can transmit the request to the Council of State, which will issue an “opinion”, which the government will not be obliged to follow.

The most advantageous, fiscally, is an endowment fund. Christine Lagarde while she was the minister responsible for “creating, alongside foundations and associations, endowment funds that will be fast, flexible and inexpensive. It can be created by one or more natural or legal persons, for a fixed or indefinite period.

An endowment fund is created by simple declaration of its founders to the prefecture of the department where its head office is located. This declaration must be accompanied by the statutes and contain: the surname, first name, date and place of birth, profession, domicile and nationality of the persons responsible for its administration and a form completed with the information necessary for publication in the Official Journal.

Endowment fund: article 140 of the law on the modernization of the economy of August 4, 2008 for a fixed or indefinite period.

No public funds of any kind may be paid into an endowment fund.

This prohibition may be waived, on an exceptional basis, for a specific work or program of actions, with regard to its importance or its particularity.

Exemptions are granted by joint order of the ministers responsible for the economy and the budget.

The fund may appeal to public generosity after administrative authorization, the terms of which are set by decree.

It is made up of the capital endowments made to it, to which are added the donations and legacies granted. Donations may entitle you to tax reductions in terms of both income tax and corporation tax, in the same manner as donations to associations.

The endowment fund is administered by a board of directors which includes at least three members appointed, the first time, by the founder(s).

Each year, the endowment fund draws up accounts that include at least a balance sheet and an income statement (the deadline being a maximum of six months to publish these accounts).

The fund includes at least one auditor and one deputy.

II – Tax regime of a foundation in France:

For an endowment fund, as for foundations, it is necessary to constitute an initial endowment; but the amount of this is free (subject to the following reservation), contrary to what is required de facto by the Council of State (whose opinion is necessary) for foundations recognized as being of public utility (minimum endowment of 1,500,000 EUR to 2,000,000 EUR, payment in 10 years maximum).

To date, an endowment fund can still be created without an initial capital endowment.

However, from the decree implementing article 85 of law no. 2014-856 of July 31, 2014 (relating to the social and solidarity economy) published in the official journal on August 1, 2014, the founder(s) must justify , at the time the fund is set up, a minimum amount for the endowment (this minimum amount may not, however, exceed EUR 30,000).

The amount of capital for the creation of a corporate foundation cannot be less than EUR 150,000 over 5 years.

The initial endowment of an investment fund may not exceed EUR 30,000.

A foundation pools private capital in order to work for a cause of general interest: in principle, this capital is entirely spent within a defined period of time.

An endowment fund pools assets with a view to capitalizing them.

It is the income from this heritage that is used to serve a work of general interest.

If it meets the requirements of Articles 200 and 238 bis of the General Tax Code, an endowment fund benefits, from its creation, from tax reductions on donations and exemption from transfer duties free of charge on donations and legacies.

Article 200 of the General Tax Code: “Opens the right to an income tax reduction equal to 66% of their amount, sums taken within the limit of 20% of taxable income which correspond to donations and payments, including the express abandonment of income or products, made by taxpayers domiciled in France within the meaning of Article 4 B, for the benefit of: Foundations or associations recognized as being of public utility subject to 2 bis, university foundations or partnership foundations mentioned respectively in articles L. 719-12 and L. 719-13 of the Education Code and, only for employees of the founding companies or of the companies of the group, within the meaning of article 223 A, to which the founding company belongs , corporate foundations, when these bodies meet the conditions laid down”.

These fixed conditions are: “Works or organizations of general interest having a philanthropic, educational, scientific, social, humanitarian, sporting, family, cultural character, or contributing to the development of the artistic heritage, in particular through subscriptions opened to finance the purchase of objects or works of art intended to join the collections of a French museum accessible to the public, for the defense of the natural environment or for the dissemination of culture, French language and scientific knowledge”.

So undertaking to safeguard endangered species corresponds to these conditions. Consequently, it is possible to benefit from tax reductions since the foundation has a specific object of general interest.

A foundation recognized as being of public utility is a permanent institution whose recognition is the subject of a decree by the Council of State, possibly supplemented by external resources and/or services rendered.

A corporate foundation promotes sustainable corporate sponsorship, but its lifespan is more limited, and so are its legal capacities. They cannot receive legacies, nor appeal to public generosity, but can, since 2003, benefit from the donations of their employees (the simplicity is in the creation of the foundation, since it is only necessary administrative authorization).

An arbitrated foundation serves the general interest, so all donations made to these accounts benefit from the tax advantages attached to foundations through this intermediary.

This formula allows management fees to be pooled.

The income tax reduction scheme from which individuals can benefit is equal to 66% of the sums paid, withheld within the annual limit of 20% of taxable income (law of 1 August 2003).

Donations can be sums of money, but also donations in kind (for example, works of art).

File to download:
170223 Fondations en France

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Setting up a company in the UK

Posted on : July 12, 2022
  • VISA :

In the main, any non-UK resident wishing to set up a company is required to have an “Innovator Visa” or a Start Up Visa.

There are, in fact, several types of visas allowing you to open a company in the UK.

1. Innovator Visa :

  • This visa is used for the creation of an innovative company.
  • To obtain this visa, you must be supported by a specialized organization: an Innovator Endorsement Body.
  • This visa allows you to stay in the UK for a maximum of 3 years.
  • It is necessary to justify a minimum investment of £50,000 (GBP) to obtain it.
  • A budget of £1270 (GBP) per 28-day period is also required to prove that the person has the necessary resources to live in this country.
  • Finally, the visa fee is £1,021 GBP.

1. Start Up Visa :

  • This visa is intended for entrepreneurs who wish to bring real added value to the British market by creating a business.
  • The project must be supported by a specialized support organization.
  • This visa allows you to stay in the UK for a maximum of 2 years.
  • The visa fee is £308 (GBP).

1. Other visas :

Alternatively, it is possible to opt for another type of visa.

1. If the person is a leader or potential leader in their field:

  • The person is eligible for a Global Talent visa if he/she is a leader in research, art, culture, digital technologies…
  • With this visa, it is possible to:
    • Create a business;
    • Be an employee, self-employed or director of a company; and
    • Work in the UK without a job offer.
  • Eligibility criteria: the person must prove that he/she is a leader or potential leader by applying for an endorsement.
  • This visa can last up to 5 years.

It is possible to extend this visa as long as the person is eligible.

  • The person may be eligible to apply to move to the UK after 3 years if they are a leader or 5 years if they are a potential leader.

2. If the person sets up the first UK branch or subsidiary of their business:

  • The person may be eligible for a UK Expansion Worker visa (Global Business Mobility) if he/she is working for a foreign company and is planning to set up his/her first branch or subsidiary in the UK
  • Eligibility criteria:
    • Be employed in an eligible job; and
    • Receive a minimum salary (defined according to the type of work).
  • This visa can last up to 1 year.

It can be renewed as long as the person is eligible.

3. If the person is a graduate of an eligible university:

  • It is possible to apply for a High Potential Individual (HPI) visa.
  • Eligibility Criteria :
    • Have graduated within the last five years from an eligible university; and
    • Prove that the individual can read, write, speak and understand English.
  • This visa allows the individual to stay for up to 2 years.

If the person has the equivalent of a PhD, this visa can last for 3 years.

If the person wishes to stay longer, they will have to change their visa type.


Several steps are necessary to create such a company:

  • Choose the name of the company and its executive staff (CEO and secretary).
  • Appoint the shareholders and the guarantor.
  • Choose the PSC (people with significant control) who will hold more than 25% of the shares.
  • Draft the articles and memorandums of association.
  • Register the company at Companies House (have an address and a SIC code that determines the scope of the company’s activity).

Registration costs £12 Sterling (GBP) and is usually completed within 24 hours.

  • Register as a future Corporate Tax payer on the HMRC (Her Majesty’s Revenue and Customs) website.
  • Business profits are taxed at 19%.
  • Self-employed persons are subject to income tax.
  • A business owner must pay social security contributions of 12% for employees paid less than £4,190 per month. Above that, the rate is 2%.

Lawfirm Cabinet BRAHIN

Nicolas BRAHINI Lawyer

Master’s Degree in Banking and Financial Law


1, Rue Louis Gassin 06300 NICE (FRANCE)

Tel : +33 493 830 876 / Fax : +33 493 181 437


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Working in the United Kingdom

Posted on : July 12, 2022

The situation differs according to the date of installation in the United Kingdom.

  • The person was already settled in the UK before the end of the transition period (December 31, 2020) :

In this case, if the person has taken the steps to obtain a resident status (“settled” or “presettled status”) before June 30, 2021, no work permit is required.

  • The person moved to the UK after the transition period (after 31 December 2021) or wishes to move there :

Since January 1, 2021, to work in the United Kingdom, a visa is, in the majority of cases, necessary.

The type of visa differs according to :

  • The duration of the contract;
  • The employment sector;
  • The nature of the job; and
  • The qualification level of the applicant.

Generally, to obtain a work visa, one must :

  • Hold an eligible job;
  • Have a confirmed job offer from a UK government approved employer;
  • Receive a minimum wage (defined according to the type of work); and
  • Justify the level of proficiency in the English language.

Initially, the procedure is carried out online (on the British government website). However, it is possible to be summoned to a visa center afterwards.

The procedure is chargeable.

1. The person plans to work in the UK for a period of 6 months or less :

It is not necessary to have a visa if :

  • The person is invited as an expert in his profession;
  • The person is visiting in connection with certain business or academic activities but is not working in the UK.

On the other hand, it is necessary to have a visa if the person wishes to carry out paid work in the United Kingdom.

1. The person plans to work in the UK for a period longer than 6 months :

In this case, a visa is required.

The type of visa, the eligibility criteria and the duration of the visa differ according to the professional field concerned.

The areas are as follows :

  • Health professional;
  • Digital professional;
  • Academic or researcher;
  • Field of arts and culture;
  • Professional athlete;
  • Business creation;
  • Others.

Work visas allow you to stay in the territory from 1 to 5 years, some are renewable.

Sometimes it is also possible, after a certain period, to be eligible to apply to settle in the UK.

UK Government, ‘Check if you need a UK visa’ (gov.uk) < https://www.gov.uk/check-uk-visa>.

Lawfirm Cabinet BRAHIN

Nicolas BRAHINI Lawyer

Master’s Degree in Banking and Financial Law

E-mail : nicolas.brahin@brahin-avocats.com

1, Rue Louis Gassin 06300 NICE (FRANCE)

Phone : +33 493 830 876 / Fax : +33 493 181 437


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Opening a bank account in the United Kingdom

Posted on : July 12, 2022

To open a bank account in the United Kingdom, some documents must be provided to the bank, while others may be requested.

  • Documents to be provided:
  • A valid ID document: ID card, passport, driving license…;
  • A proof of residence: EDF bill, phone bill, rental contract…; and
  • A proof of income: pay slips, bank statements, tax form…
  • Documents that may be requested (especially for non-British citizens):
  • An employment contract or a letter from the employer.
  • A letter from the university.

Please note that the British bank may check the credit history of new clients.

Lawfirm Cabinet BRAHIN

Nicolas BRAHINI Avocat

Master’s Degree in Banking and Financial Law

Email :  nicolas.brahin@brahin-avocats.com

1, Rue Louis Gassin


Tel :   +33 493 830 876      /    Fax : +33 493 181 437


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Opening a company in the United Kingdom

Posted on : July 12, 2022
  • VISA:

Any non-UK resident wishing to set up a company is mostly required to have an Innovator Visa or a Start Up Visa.

There are, in fact, several types of visa allowing to open a company in the United Kingdom.

A)Innovator Visa:

  • This is the appropriate visa for the creation of an innovative company.
  • To obtain this visa, the applicant must be endorsed by an Innovator Endorsement Body.
  • This visa can last for up to 3 years.
  • The applicant needs to justify a minimum investment of £50,000 (GBP).
  • The applicant must prove that they have a budget of £1270 Pound Sterling (GBP) per 28 days (to prove that they have the necessary funds to live in this country).
  • Lastly, the visa fee is £1,021 GBP.
  1. Start Up Visa:
  • This is the appropriate visa for applicants who wish to bring a real added value to the British market by creating businesses which are different from anything else on the market.
  • The business must be endorsed by an endorsing body.
  • This visa can last for up to 2 years.
  • The visa fee is £308 (GBP).
  1. Other types of visa:

Otherwise, it is possible to opt for another types of visa.

  1. If the applicant is a leader or potential leader in their field:
  • The applicant must be eligible for the Global Talent visa if they are leaders or potential leaders in academia or research, arts or culture, or digital technology.
  • With this visa, it is possible to:
    • Start a business;
    • Be an employee, self-employed, or directed of a company; and
    • Work in the United Kingdom without a job offer.
  • Eligibility criteria: prove the status of leader or potential leader by applying for an ‘endorsement’.
  • This visa can last for up to 5 years.

It can be extended as long as the applicant is still eligible.

  • The applicant may be able to settle permanently in the United Kingdom after 3 years if they are leaders or after 5 years if they are potential leaders.
  1. If the applicant is setting up their company’s first UK branch or subsidiary:
  • The applicant must be eligible for a UK Expansion Worker visa (Global Business Mobility) if they work for an overseas company and are planning to set up their first UK branch or subsidiary.
  • Eligibility criteria:
    • Working in an eligible job; and
    • Being paid a minimum salary (how much depends on the type of work).
  • This visa can last for up to 1 year.

It can be extended as long as the applicant’s is still eligible.

  1. If the applicant has a qualification from an eligible university:
  • The applicant may be eligible for a High Potential Individual (HPI) visa.
  • Eligibility criteria:
    • Having been awarded a qualification by an eligible university in the last 5 years; and
    • Proving that the applicant can read, write, speak, and understand English.
  • This visa can last for 2 years.

If the applicant has a PhD or another doctoral qualification, this visa will last for 3 years.

If the applicant wants to stay longer, they must switch to another type of visa.


Several steps are necessary to start such a company:

  • Choose the company’s name and its management staff (CEO and secretary);
  • Appoint the shareholders and the guarantor;
  • Choose the PSC (people with significant control) who will hold more than 25% of the shares;
  • Draft the articles and memorandums of association;
  • Register the company at Companies House (it is required to have an address and a SIC code that determines the scope of the company’s activity);

Registration costs £12 (GBP) and is usually done within 24 hours; and

  • Register as a future payer of the Corporate Tax on the HMRC (Her Majesty’s    Revenue and Customs).


  • Business profits are taxed at 19%.
  • Self-employed persons are subject to income tax.
  • A business owner must pay social security contributions of 12% for employees paid less than £4,190 per month. Above that, the rate is 2%.

Lawfirm Cabinet BRAHIN

Nicolas BRAHINI Avocat

Master’s Degree in Banking and Financial Law

Email :  nicolas.brahin@brahin-avocats.com

1, Rue Louis Gassin


Tel :   +33 493 830 876      /    Fax : +33 493 181 437


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